Summary: Subsquare maintenance from 2022.12 to 2023.03
SubSquare is a governance platform for substrate based blockchains, and we have been continually maintaining the deployments for basilisk. We propose a treasury tip to support the work.
feature for better navigation.SubSquare is a platform for blockchains and needs maintenance from December 2022 to March 2023.
The cost of the maintenance is $600 x 4 + 20% volatility and currency translation, which equals 25,043,478 BSX.
The work scope includes daily devops/monitor work, updating dependencies, receiving feedback and bug fixes, and delivering enhancement features such as cmd+k
for better navigation and democracy delegation management.
Part of the development plans includes a calendar feature to see history/future events with a calendar view, governance data statistics, and other notification ways support like discord/telegram.
The beneficiary of the maintenance is bXiTnWSJiYQTwo78YYbvAxsja2uTcM7hg9EqfBEH3Kri55ve8.